The human chess game and an exhibition on chess history
“The Battle of the Two Kings with Mock Array. The history of chess between the 13th and 18th centuries in the books of the Bertoliana Library” is the title of the exhibition curated by Laura Sbicego accompanying the live performance of Marostica Chess, an Italian tradition appreciated worldwide. The exhibition is managed in collaboration with the City of Marostica, Pro Marostica Association, Circolo scacchistico ‘Città di Marostica’, A.S.D. Scacchi Berici, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, and chess historian Diego D’Elia; it runs until September 18, 2022 at the Castello Inferiore (Lower Castle) in Marostica. Through books from the Bertoliana Library in Vicenza, it is possible to delve into the history of chess between the 13th and 18th centuries.
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On September 9th, 10th and 11th, a live performance, a ‘Living Chess Game,’ involving 650 figurants, is held in Marostica’s Chess Plaza. The performance and exhibition are part of a cultural event representing the importance of Marostica’s Chess tradition, an event worldwide renowned.
Together with the evocative live performance, this is an opportunity to discover the secrets of the ancient chess game. A very small inventory, written in the 19th century by librarians Ignazio Savi and Andrea Capparozzo, contains the bibliographic census of books on the game of chess, part of which is on display here.
Here, in fact, it is possible to see Jacopo da Cessole’s ‘Liber … super ludo scachorum,’ from 1493, a volume with extraordinary illustrations; also, Pedro Damiano da Odemira’s manual for ‘learning to play chess et de le partite’ (1512), Ruy Lopez de Segura’s ‘Il gioco de gli scachorum,’ from 1584, and Girolamo Vida’s treatise ‘Scacchia ludus’ (1527). (Assia Karaguiozova)
La battaglia dei due Re con finte schiere. La storia degli scacchi tra XIII e XVIII secolo nei libri della Biblioteca Bertoliana
Castello Inferiore in Marostica
Until September 18th, 2022

Libro da imparare giocare a scachi: et de belitissimi partiti: reuisti, & recorretti. Con somma diligentia emendati, da molti famosissimi giocatori. In lingua spagnola, & taliana