Originally conceived as a university text to support courses, it was a hard-to-find book but has recently been put back into print. Edited by Sergio Los, the volume focuses on the morphogenesis of shape; moreover, it analyzes the drawings of Scarpa’s design for the entrance to the Iuav Università di Venezia – Tolentini, a visual ‘gem’ in the heart of the lagoon city. The design of the access to the Faculty of Architecture in Venice is one of Carlo Scarpa’s best-known projects, with a distinctive, recognizable, and unmistakable imprint. The architectural composition enriches the historic building; even the water in the stepped pool, which through reflections engages the sky, contributes to the emotional expression.
Discover the exhibition dedicated to Aldo Rossi e il Teatro del Mondo
The presentation of the book reprint was accompanied by a photo exhibition curated by Pietro Los, and a conference event organized by Marco Marino, together with Natasha Pulitzer. The Aula Magna featured professional witnesses such as Rector Benno Albrecht, President of the Order of Architects Venice Roberto Beraldo, architectural historian Francesco Dal Co and architect Sergio Los, and speeches by Paolo Ceccarelli, Roberta Martinis, Italo Zannier, and Gian Antonio Battistella. (Assia Karaguiozova) Photos Prakash Patel Iuav.it