Collectible objects from steel scraps
FeUse, a benefit company, launches a collection of collectible design objects in which each entity is unique and unrepeatable. The objects in the Coral collection, in fact, come from steel scraps from the furnace of a steel mill that recycles all the materials. The electric furnace uses post-consumer waste to produce new steel. This scrap consists of slag, generated by steel in the liquid phase of melting. Trapped within the slag are small amounts of steel called ‘leachables,’ which are separated, cleaned, and environmentally friendly powder coated after solidification of the slag.
Discover the Omphalos by Salvatori, stone collection
FeUse’s Coral are objects from the exclusive design collections of the Rossana Orlandi Gallery. Besides coming from a circular processing cycle, their appearance symbolizes the disappearance of marine corals due to rising sea temperatures generated by climate change. FeUse will donate part of the proceeds to charitable activities to support research against climate change. FeUse is also giving a Coral Christmas tree to the city of Rome, located in Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina.