The 60th Biennale of Venice International Art Exhibition: Stranieri Ovunque / Foreigners Everywhere – opens to the world (from 20th April 2024), curated by Adriano Pedrosa, the first South American curator to manage the most important contemporary art event. It is named after the Claire Fontaine collective. It’s mostly a window towards the person, human rights, on the idea of feeling yourself accepted, or not, understood – everuthing through the voice of the works: self-expression, sensitivity, diversity, integration, or lack of integration.
The exhibition, divided into the Nucleo Contemporaneo (Contemporary Nucleus) and the Nucleo Storico (Historic Nucleus), will involve 90 countries, between the Gardens, the Arsenal and the historic centre of the city. Four new countries will be also involved: the Republic of Benin, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste and the United Republic of Tanzania; for the first time it will be hosted the Pavilion Nicaragua, the Republic of Panama and Senegal.
President Cicutto complets his manadte right at the opening of the show. Happy working to Pietrangelo Buttafuoco!
Also in this edition, the Italian Pavilion, supported and promoted by the Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura (General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture), will include the pairing of ‘one curator /one artist’, in the current case: Luca Cerizza and Massimo Bartolini, with the project Due qui / To hear. As usual, this event will be held at the Arsenale, at the Tese delle Vergini.
The Padiglione Venezia (Venice Pavilion) installation will be held at the Giardini di Sant’Elena (Gardens of Sant’Elena), while the Santa Sede, promoted by Dicastero per la Cultura e l’Educazione della Santa Sede, Cardinale José Tolentino de Mendonça (the Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education of the Holy See, Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonča), will be held at the Casa di reclusione femminile di Venezia, at the Giudecca – entitled Con i miei occhi – curated by Chiara Parisi and Bruno Racine, Director of Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana.
The Special Projects will be developed between the Sale d’Armi of the Arsenale, the Polveriera Austriaca, Mestre and Marghera. Moreover, Biennale College Arte, dedicated to younger talents, also continues.
30 side events recognised by the curator and promoted by public and private non-profit entities and institutions (comprehensive list on the website, including the exhibition, dedicated to Yoo Youngkuk, A Journey to the Infinite and World of Many Worlds (Asia Forum and Assimetry Art Foundation), at the Fondazione Querini Stampalia.